Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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So Very, Very Sweet :: Goshen Newborn Photographer

One of my favorite structures to the written word is the circular story – where the beginning connects to the end…

I love every newborn session.  This one was a little extra special for me.  I’ve always enjoyed working with children, and during my teenage years I had the opportunity to baby-sit frequently for a family from my church.  When I first started babysitting for them, they had two little boys.  Several years later, they welcomed their daughter.  I happily cared for all three of their kiddos for many years.  Their oldest was full of life, and could be little bit of a stinker at times.  Well, he’s all grown-up now, and below you’ll see the images of his brand new baby girl.  What a joy to capture his daughter on the 14th day of her life!  She was just perfect and oh so very special!

Don’t forget to join in on the sneak peek fun! When the blog comments + Facebook Likes = 30, this growing family will receive a free print. It’s super easy – just click the little “Like” button at the bottom of this post and/or leave a comment right here on the blog!

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How precious and sweet these pictures are. I love them! And of course I love the painted nails!

Grandma Lederman

How will I ever choose just one…they are all so precious!!Wonderful job Traci at catching the moments. I also enjoyed your write-up, you were one of our very favorite sitters. Always knew you would make a wonderful teacher. We should have probably charged you for the education! Ha.

[…] little one visited me at the end of 2011 for her newborn session, and last week I met up with her 9 months later.  Her mom had painted her fingernails at her […]

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