Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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12 months = 1 year | Goshen Child and Family Photographer

Decisions – sleep in or take photos of this cute little girl (who just happened to turn 1 last week)? That’s a no brainer – take the photos! And take the photos I did. I go to church with this great family, so I was super excited when T contacted me to take pictures of their petit chéri. I also took little A’s photos back in March (clickety clackety click). It took her a little bit to warm up to the new surroundings. Once she did, she was on the move. Talking her 1 year old talk with every step. This little girl is as sweet in person as she is in her photos. It almost makes me want to have children of my own! (I had to throw that last comment in for my sister – she’s rather disappointed that my husband and I have not given her a niece or nephew yet.) 🙂

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Traci Shupert Photography

I just saw your comment, Jessi! I know – isn't she the cutest (of course, your daughter is pretty darn cute too!) 🙂

[…] photography adventures over the past year, you may recognize this girl with her sweet little curls. Last year, we celebrated her first birthday with a cupcake. Before I started writing this post, I went back and found their session from last year. I know we […]

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