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1st Day of School | Personal

Friday was my niece’s very first day of kindergarten. Unfortunately, I was not able to see her get on the bus because it was my first day of school, too. But I did get to spend some time with her before the bus came. Many emotions were swirling about as we anxiously waited. My niece was filled with excitement – grinning from ear to ear! For me, it was more bittersweet. I was excited for her to experience the joy of learning, but apprehensive at the same time. Questions dodged in and out of my mind. Will the other kids be nice to her? Will her teacher create a learning environment that meets her needs (along with all the other kids)? Will she be O.K.?

Nearly six years ago, I had the privilege of being by my sister’s side as my niece came into this world. As I’m writing this and thinking about how quickly six years pass, my screen is blurred from the liquid emotion coming to my eyes. I pray fervently for the Lord’s protection and guidance over her as she goes to school and begins a new phase of life. I pray for teachers and students everywhere for a year of learning that defies test scores and state and federal mandates. For a year where students’ learning is the motivation for everything that is done. Best wishes for a great school year!

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