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Freebie | What to Read Wednesday

As I opened up my blogger account to post for What to Read Wednesday today, I realized that this would be my 101st post! So, to celebrate reaching the century mark, I thought it would be fun to host a giveaway! Who doesn’t love free stuff?

This week I’m highlighting the book Actual Size by Steve Jenkins. I was introduced to this book at teacher workshop I recently attended. The author takes animals like the giant squid and uses an illustration that is the actual size of a giant squid’s eye. It is enormous – literally! Along with the amazing illustrations, Steve gives the reader interesting facts about that animal’s body part. You will be shocked and awed by this book!

Now, to the giveaway. There are 2 ways to enter to win the book, Actual Size.
#1 – Head on over to my Facebook page (become a fan if you’d like) and leave a comment under this photo telling me what you’re reading right now or what you want to be reading right now.

#2 – Leave a comment right here on the blog telling me what you’re reading right now or what you want to be reading right now.

Feel free to spread the news of the free book giveaway. The winner will be drawn on Sunday, November 15th at 9:00 p.m. EST. Happy reading! 🙂

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Yay, a giveaway! I am anxious to read a new book that I have ordered, A Place of Wonder by Georgia Heard. Of course, it has to do with education.


I would love to have time to dig into Nicholas Sparks new one "The Last Song"…oh, and the Scott Kelby book on photography I bought this summer!


Hey Traci! I don't need to enter that giveaway because we have that book and already enjoy it…but I thought I would still join in the fun! Right now we just put our Halloween books away, and soon will be getting out our Christmas books. As a former teacher I am HUGE on reading too and something fun we do is that with various Holidays we have special books we get out JUST for that Holiday season. The kiddies think it is SOOO fun because the books seem new after not seeing them for a year. With our Christmas collection we buy one new book to add to the collection every year and I always write the date inside of it.

Just a fun reading idea…keep up the great work!



Hi Traci,

I am reading The Frontiersmen an historical fiction book by Allen Eckert. I am anxiously waiting to read Dangerous Minds by Louanne Johnson, who was the teacher in that book. I was at a conference yesterday and heard her speak and got to sit at her table at lunch to speak with her – such an inspiration!

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