Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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Ready or Not, Here I Come! | Newborn Photography | Traci Shupert Photography

Friday afternoon, I got to spend time with one of my coworkers, her husband, and their new little son.  I really shouldn’t have been able to take photos of the baby on Friday because he is still supposed to be in his mommy’s belly.  He decided to come early, and now he has an amazing birth story…

Five weeks before his due date, his mom went to school just like any other day. I visited her room right before lunch, and she had to take a moment to catch her breath because she thought she was having false contractions.

Several hours later, I heard sirens outside my window. A teacher came to my door and told me what was going on. Leah was in labor, and the school nurse had wisely decided to call for an ambulance because this baby was coming soon.

Our school is in a small town, and the EMT’s contacted the paramedics from the neighboring city just in case she would have the baby before they could get her to the hospital.

Once the paramedics arrived, they swapped ambulances and jetted to the hospital. Leah knew that this baby was coming, and there was nothing they could do to stop him.

The little guy arrived into this world in the ambulance weighing in around 5 pounds. Not too small for 5 weeks early.

One week before the events of his birth day, a kindergartner  asked Leah if she was going to have the baby at school. Her response was, of course, “No!” But little did she know that nearly happened.   Most of the shock surrounding his early arrival has subsided, and baby is doing great!  Everyone at school is so excited for them and their miracle!  Many blessings as this little guy grows, and you’ll be able to watch him grow up on the blog this year.

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[…] fun designing this birth announcement with one of my newborn clients recently!  (Here’s his newborn […]

[…] of a little musical duck.  Thank you creators of Baby Einstein.   This little guy made his debut on the blog as a newborn around 3 months ago, and you’ll get to see his cuteness several more […]

[…] like to welcome this little dude back to the blog.  He made his first appearance as a newborn, and again at 3 months.  We met up again on Monday to document him at 6 months.  I think he gets […]

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