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What to Read

Welcome to my first post combining two of the passions in my life – reading and photography. I’ve been thinking {for awhile} about how I could mesh my endeavors together. It never fails – all great thinking happens in the morning shower. It must me the warmth and all that steam….I decided to start a weekly feature on the blog called “What to Read Wednesday”. Each Wednesday, I will highlight a book that is sure to be a kid pleaser {young or old}. I’ll also offer reading tips that are sure to help anyone {young or old} become a better reader.

My niece will be turning 6 very soon! So, this week my sister, niece {pictured above with book}, and I headed out for a session. {More of that adventure soon}. She will be starting kindergarten this year, so I thought I would highlight the book, First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg. The story is about a girl who comes down with a case of the jitters as she prepares to go to a new school.

One thing that readers do before, during, and after reading is think about what they already know and how it connects them to the story. In the education world, we refer to this as our background knowledge, prior knowledge, schema, and/or connections to the text. Anytime you’re reading anything, find ways to hook what you are reading to something you already know. New information is more likely to have a lasting home in your mind if you hook it up.

Happy Reading!

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