Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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It’s Her Birthday :: A Personal Story

Today is my niece’s birthday, and tomorrow she’ll start 3rd grade.  We first met in the operating room where she was born.  Her mom had to have an emergency c-section after nearly 24 hours in labor.  I remember getting a call around 6 am that they were heading to the hospital.  This was during my first week of school, and I had to call for a substitute teacher.  Not really the best week to have a substitute, but not much you can do when baby decides to come.  I had no idea what to expect when I entered the operating room in the super stylin’ blue scrubs.  By the time I got there, they were almost ready to pull her out.  Everything went well with the surgery, but it was all I could do not to freak out.  I mentally knew what a c-section meant, but well, it’s something else when you see it unfold.  I did my best to keep my sister calm since this was not in the plan.  In a matter of minutes, we saw her sweet little face.  A fancy schmancy camera was years in to my future, but I was able to grab some photos with my point-and-shoot. I’ve learned quite a bit about composing a photograph since this image…never really a good idea to shoot up the nose!  🙂

I purchased my first fancy schmancy camera about 4 months before our first photo shoot, and here was my favorite (at the time) from that session.  I won’t share my technical critique of the image (it has lots of issues), but the subject was perfect!

It’s been 5 years since our first collaboration, and we’ve both grown leaps and bounds.  She’s now a reader and dancer.  I’ve learned how to fully control my camera and use light to create photographic memories.


The next image was her one and only request!


Happy birthday to my beautiful niece who showed my heart how to love in a new way.  ♡

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Carolyn Mast

Traci: This is beautiful. What a tribute to a wonderful young girl. You are the BEST aunt and your love for your nieces comes through every picture you take of them.

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