Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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Smiles | I Heart Faces | Traci Shupert Photography

This week’s challenge over at I Heart Faces is “smiles”.  Smiles are contagious.  I hope this photo catches you smiling too!

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Such a sweet smile 🙂 I also LOVE those blue eyes 🙂

awww… so sweet!

OH my goodness. How BEAUTIFUL! Those eyes are absolutely STUNNING, and your lighting is outstanding. This one made ME smile!!

Incredible blue eyes – what a gorgeous baby!

So funny – this shot is a lot like the one i entered! :O) Check it out on my blog.

Love this! His eyes are a.may.zing.

oh my word….look at those eyes! what a little sweetheart…very nice photo 🙂

gorgeous eyes and such a beautiful smile! great capture!

This is just gorgeous! Love your processing too!

Adorable!!! I love the way you finished the photo as well.

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