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Sky Tree by Thomas Locker | What to Read Wednesday

Time for another installment of What to Read Wednesday. I borrowed this book from one of my colleague’s classrooms (just in case you’re new around here, I’m also a teacher of reading). She has a display of books relating to fall, and I was immediately drawn to this book because I {heart} this author – Thomas Locker. Let me introduce you to Sky Tree.

I attended a workshop last week (I’m training to be a mentor for new teachers), and one of the sessions was on making the most of your read-aloud time. The teacher talked about literary nonfiction books – nonfiction that acts like a story. That’s exactly what Sky Tree, and all of Thomas Locker’s books are like. He is a multi-faceted artist. In addition to writing these lyrical informational books, he also creates the paintings. His work is truly magical! Sky Tree takes you on a journey through the seasons as experienced by a tree.

I have to give a few shout outs for this post. First, to my friend’s sweet little girl who let me take her picture while reading the pictures in Sky Tree. Secondly, to the owner of the book and first grade teacher at my school, Chanelle Blucker. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you’ll see a link for “The Blucker’s”. Click on over and leave Chanelle, some blog love. Feel free to tell her she’s a great teacher! 🙂 Happy Reading!

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