It’s What to Read Wednesday. First, I want to wish my grandfather a Happy 80th Birthday! I cannot believe he is 80?! I am beyond blessed to have all of my grandparents still living. They blazed the trail of love, faith, and hope in Jesus that I now am traveling on. The reality that I may not get to have them here with me all that much longer is settling in, but I have hope because I know one day we will get to be together forever…

This book sits on my shelf unused most of the time. There are many reasons for this, but mainly because I don’t want it to fall apart anymore than it already has. Cinderella was my most favorite books as a young girl. You may notice that on the back cover is a clear pocket that once was home to a tape. It was a recording of the book that I listened to over and over and over again. Right now, I can actually hear in my mind the magical sound that signaled it was time for me to turn the page. Do your children or will your children have a book like this? When they’re decades older, will they be able to point to a book that marked their childhood? A book so tattered and torn that they will try to safely hide it away on a bookshelf in their adult home? Do you have a book that marks your childhood? I’d love to hear what it is. Leave a comment, and let the reminiscing begin. Happy reading!
Oh, I love that you did this! I have a book that I LOVED sooo much. Its cover is torn off and I had colored on all of the pages with crayon lol. The book was a Golden Book. Sesame Street with Grover called There’s a Monster in my Closet. Like you, I can remember reading it over many times every day ; ) I have now passed the book down to my daughter. I’m sure some day she’ll appreciate the book as well. I also had a Cricket doll. If you don’t remember those, Cricket was a life sized toddler doll that came with a tape player in her back. Her mouth would move to look like she was the one talking. The tapes that came with her were books on tape and songs about cleaning and such lol. She went everywhere with me. Then, when New Kids On The Block came out, I played their tapes in the doll lol. Ah, wow, those were things I haven’t thought of for such a long time!!