What to Read Wednesday (Yes, I realize it’s Thursday. I kinda lost track of days. Another project, which you’ll get to see soon, stole my attention this week). Last Sunday, my sister filled my niece’s Easter basket with books and other trinkets instead of candy. I thought that was one swell idea! After all, books are good for you health. And, oh! They are just (if not more) sweet! One of the books in her basket was Doreen Cronin’s Diary of a Spider (www.doreencronin.com). This is one of 3 Diary books Doreen has written, and they do not disappoint (The other 2 are Diary of a Worm & Diary of a Fly).

I’ve been enjoying the relaxation that is spring break this week from school (which has me already craving for summer vacation – that’s probably not a good thing!) My husband I celebrated Easter at my grandparents house. My niece was the only kiddo around, so she got all the Easter egg loot. We had a fun time hiding and then watching (i.e. helping) her find the eggs.

My niece (somewhat begrudgingly) allowed me to take a few photos with her Easter goodies. Of course, what 6 year old wouldn’t give you a few outtakes before the real deal? 🙂

I hope you and your family experiences the joy in the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ (on Easter, and every other calendar day of the year).