Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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Good Friends | Goshen Child Photographer

This family is awesome for lots of reasons, but my favorite reason is because they are super great friends of mine!  After I graduated from college a decade ago (holy moly – it’s been that long?!), I returned home, got a teaching job, and became a hermit.  All of my friends had moved to other parts of the country.  I was left…and didn’t really feel like putting myself out there to meet new people in the place I had known forever.  Several years passed, and this soon-to-be mother of two was hired as an art teacher at my school.  We became fast friends, and she helped bring me out of my hermit-dom.   Now she is a mother and wife extraordinaire!  They’ll be welcoming baby #2 (It’s a girl!)  in several months.   Their little guy recently turned one, and he is the cutest little guy on the block.  He likes to show you how big he is (soooo, big!), bop and dance to “If you’re happy and you know it”, and bouncing and throwing balls.  I’m going to try and steal his mom away for some maternity photos in the very near future.  Enjoy!

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