Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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In the Midst of the Fog | Goshen Child Photographer | Traci Shupert Photography

We got to spend this weekend with my husband’s sister and her family. They have the cutest boys, and are always a lot of fun to hang out with. We thought it would be fun to take the 3 year old to Shipshewana to ride the carousel at one of the indoor shopping areas. Unfortunately, we picked the day that it was closed for maintenance. What a bummer! (I even checked the website the night before to make sure everything was OK. I guess I’ll call next time.) But we found a toy store, and it was all good! In the midst of the thick clouds and fog of today, we found a spot to take some photos of these growing boys. First up is the youngest. You saw him here on the blog back in July. I’m completely biased, but he is so very yummy!

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[…] I thought I might just make it all winter without getting sick, and well…I almost did. So, my plans for an amazing post for What to Read Wednesday have been spoiled by the bug that has over taken me today. Here’s a photo of a sweet little guy that I didn’t post from his earlier sneak peek. […]

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