I’ve been meaning to talk about Mem Fox and her book, Reading Magic, for some time now. Mem’s books for children are beautifully written and illustrated. If you haven’t read any of her books with your children, you must go to your local library and check them out! She’s from Down Under, and I’m sure we would be friends if we ever met. During college, Reading Magic stumbled across my path and I could not resist making it my own. This book is written for parents, or really anyone who comes in contact with children. This book is exactly what the subtitle reads, “Why reading aloud to our children will change their lives forever.”
I was driving home from school tonight trying not to think about the phone calls that would be really convenient to make as I’m sitting behind the wheel (I’ve decided to not use my cell phone while driving, and I didn’t realize how hard it would be to break that habit). My mind drifted to children and reading as it often does. Many days, I leave school with a heavy heart. Feeling like I’ve failed these children because I know their lives depend upon their ability to read.
When you have a moment, visit Mem’s website. I was reading a transcript from a presentation she made to a group of principals in Auckland, New Zealand. Her words toward the end of the presentation were exactly what I was thinking about on my drive home from work today. She talked about children who enter school with a read-aloud disadvantage, which happens regardless of the socioeconomic status children come from. Here’s exactly what Mem said, “Both rich and poor, let’s get that clear; this isn’t about monetary disadvantage it’s a read-aloud disadvantage.”
No school, no teacher, no one can fully make up for how much a child may or may not have been read to during the first 5 years of life. Yes, there is much, we, as educators, can do in the classroom to reverse the effects of the read-aloud disadvantage. In the age of state and federal mandates thrust upon schools and budget cuts like you would not believe, We, the teachers of America, need YOU! We need you to join us in a crusade to fight for the lives of our children. To set them on a path to becoming readers from the moment they enter this world.

P.S. I often wonder if anybody reads my reading ramblings. Anybody? Feel free to leave a comment. Just to say hi. Just to put a smile in my heart.
P.S.S. Mom, I know you read these posts, but feel free to leave a comment anyways. 😉
Love reading to my girls. So much fun for us…but then you already knew that. So now I’m just commenting to say “hi”. ‘Hope you all are doing well.
I am a faithful reader! I put the Followers gadget on my blog and now feel like taking it off. You know, only 2 followers is kind of sad. 🙂
Thanks, Angie! You are a reader after my own heart! 🙂
Blucker – Your blog is in my Google Reader!!! Now, go post something! lol
Yes, dear daughter, I always read what you write. You and your writings are an inspiration to me. so proud of you! Love you.