Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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Reuniting | Middlebury Child & Family Photographer

This afternoon I had the opportunity to reunite with a family I grew up with. I remember many Sunday nights together. The evening consisted of our parents playing cards, usually, Euchre, and the kids being kids playing Atari and Nintendo 64. And who could forget our weekly Sunday lunch at Shakey’s. Does anybody else remember that place?

This family is now dispersed around the Midwest and East Coast, so I was excited when they contacted me to take family pictures while they’re all in town. How can anyone resist these sweet little girls and their adorable matching outfits (courtesy of Babies ‘R Us)?! The youngest one reminded me of my niece at 9 months, and I got all nostalgic on myself (as if I hadn’t already)! Time really does travel too fast. The temperature was a mere 46 degrees Fahrenheit – definitely not normal for this time of year, so between takes we tried to warm up the girls as much as possible. Although, I think the youngest is an Arctic baby. The cold did not phase her at all. I think she handled it better than anyone else, adults included. Thanks Family! Enjoy your time in the Hoosier state! 🙂

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excellent work!! excited to see the rest. thanks so much tracie.

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