Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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Summertime | South Bend Child and Family Photographer

This family began their summer vacation with a photo session with yours truly.  I must say it was a great way to start their vacation!  The weather here in northern Indiana was truely perfect this week, and this day was no exception.  Bugless, humidless, stormless.  If there was a place in the world that had weather like this all year round, I would totally live there.  I especially enjoyed this family because they cheer for the Fighting Irish!  On football game days, they like to stand near the Basilica and watch the players make their way to the stadium.  So, of course we had to get a photo with the famous Golden Dome.  Go ND!

30 comments = a free 5×7 for this family!

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Erica Cook

These pictures are adorable! Hudson is getting so big!

Theses are lovely. I can’t wait to see them in a beautiful frame!

Oh my goodness…..what beautiful photos !!!!! I love them all. Can’t wait to see more. I want 1 of each & every pose !!!!


The pictures are so cute!! Hudson is such a ham!!!

Emma payne

What a handsome little boy!!

Very nice! Excellent shots.

Vessela Harper

The pictures look fabulous!


Good Looking Family + Good Photographer = Great Pics!!


Such cute pics!!! Crissy, I didn’t know you cut your hair like that! I love it, it looks great.

WOW !!!!!! Great photographer but I’m sure it helped to have such awesome subjects to work with !!! Made her job a whole lot easier!

Tina Philipson

Great work!! Wonderful picture–so life like. Good Looking boy.

Jane Skeens

What georgous pictures! I’m so excited to see the rest of them! Hudson, you are soooo cute! Gotta have some of those pix : )

Jane Skeens

I love the setting of this picture!!!!

sheila hartwick

gorgeos pics

Gayle Williams

These photos are great. I love the natural setting, makes everyone look like they’re having a good time.

Dawn Mahar

Such a great lookin family..Hudson is soo cute, I could just eat him up

Amy McLeod

Love the pics!!

Joelle Clemons

Great pictures!

Laurie andrews

Traci, these pictures are great! (of course you had a cute family to work with…)

amanda st.john

These pics are awsome!!!! Hudson is soooo cute!!!!

Lisa K Cowles

the pictures are awesome very interrested in having some done myself!!!!!!

josh litchard

wow! great pictures.

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