Traci Shupert Photography LLC » Goshen, Elkhart, Mishawaka, South Bend, Michiana, Indiana | Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior Portrait Photographer

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Taking Flight | Traci Shupert Photography

My husband has his private pilot’s license, so Sunday afternoon we just had to take advantage of the unseasonable November weather (before Winter rears it’s ugly head). We were hanging out with our niece – you know – the one you see all the time here on the blog. 🙂 She asked if she could go flying, too. How could we refuse her new toothless smile?! Once in the air, we flew around the Goshen area. She particularly enjoyed seeing her school and her playground that looked so miniature from the air. By the way, I think it is super cool that my husband is a pilot. You can tell him I said that, too!

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