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The Legend of the Candy Cane | What to Read Wednesday | Traci Shupert Photography

Winter has arrived around my neck of the woods. I’m not a big fan of winter, so my goal this year is to be positive and find the joy in winter. Afterall, winter is beyond my control. What can I control? My attitude.

So, it’s What to Read Wednesday around here on the blog. This week, I’m suggesting a favorite Christmas book of mine – The Legend of the Candy Cane by Lori Walburg VandenBosch. This is a wonderful tale explaining the meaning behind the classic Christmas treat – the candy cane.

In the last week, I’ve experienced tremendous loss. The father of my friend, and my great uncle passed away within a week of one another. At times like these, I am struck by the brevity of our time here on Earth. Despite the sorrow and difficulty, I am overwhelmed by the HOPE we have when we believe in the Lord and his son, Jesus. God has promised eternal life with Him in Heaven to all those who believe and accept his Son as their Lord and Savior. I am beyond thankful that both of these men believed that Jesus experienced life here on Earth in order for all humanity to be saved, and they are now with Jesus in Heaven. As we begin our celebration of Christmas, let’s allow ourselves to experience the HOPE that is found in birth of the Christ.

“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.”
-John 3:16 from
The Message

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