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Walk On | What to Read Wednesday | Traci Shupert Photography

I was in a local toy store this weekend, and ran across the book, Walk On by Marla Frazee. Several years ago, I was at a workshop about teaching reading, and the presenter read this gem of a book to us. To borrow the words of Publisher’s Weekly, “It’s a pep talk for those ready to leave crawling behind (and for those who may need a refresher). ” I love the simplicity of this book. Whenever we face obstacles and challenges, it really is about putting one foot in front of the other no matter our age.

Have you heard about Reading Rockets? It’s a great website for nearly everything reading under the sun. I ran across several interviews with author Marla Frazee on their website. In this interview, she talks about her long road into the publishing industry. She had to do a lot of walking before she made it!

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