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What to Read

{You can see more photos of these cuties here.}

Fancy Nancy – if you have a girl and haven’t read any of the Fancy Nancy books, you are missing out! Run {don’t walk} to your nearest library or bookstore to get a hold of these gems. This particular book is Fancy Nancy’s Favorite Fancy Words by Jane O’Connor. Fancy Nancy takes you on a journey through her favorite words from A (accessories) to Z (zany). My favorite word from the book (at least for today) is xenophile. Fancy Nancy and I are kindred spirits. We both love all things French! (See last week’s What to Read post.)

Here’s a note of caution. You’ve probably already figured this out, but if you’ve spent any substantial time around the male population (young & old), they’re probably not going to enjoy this book. We know that matching books to interests is HUGE (I repeat, HUGE) in engaging and hooking readers. Here’s a simple strategy to help pick a book that is just right for you or your loved one. (I’ve borrowed this from The 2 Sisters.) You can use the simple acronym I-PICK to help you out.

I – I choose a book.
P – Purpose. Why am I reading this book? For fun, to learn something new, etc.
I – Interest. Am I interested in this book?
C – Check for understanding. Am I understanding what I just read?
K – Know. Do I know most of the words?

Next week, I promise to highlight a book that will appeal to both genders. Happy reading!

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