Many posts ago, I lamented about the fact that my niece did not how to spell my name. Which meant, she wasn’t able to include me in her writing. (Click to read more about that). About week after that post, my grandfather entered his 8oth year. (80?!) My family met up at a local restaurant to celebrate, and I had to arrive a little late. When I walked in and took my seat, the paper in the photo below was waiting for me. Someone had taught her how to write my name!
Readers write, and writers read. We know that children must write from the very beginning, well before they know how to spell using the rules of English. They must envision themselves as writers (and readers) from the very beginning. WE must give them that vision. I believe children deserve to be known as readers and writers every day. We must call them readers and writers well before they believe. Then one day, they’ll take that belief over and run with it for the rest of their lives. Happy reading!

The following photos really have nothing to do with reading, but I just had to share. I explored my backyard last night and again tonight. The light and color were begging to be photographed. The images on the left are from yesterday, and the ones on the right are from today. What a difference one simple day makes!